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By enrolling your family in the Fatima Mass Association, the living and deceased members of your family obtain the spiritual benefits of the Masses in which they are remembered for one year.
By enrolling your family in the Fatima Mass Association, every living and deceased member of your family will obtain the spiritual benefits of the Masses in which they are remembered for one year during the following Masses at the National Blue Army Shrine in Asbury, New Jersey:
-First Saturday Masses throughout the year,
-Mass on the 13th of the month, May through October,
-Thanksgiving Day,
-Christmas Day,
-Feast of the Most Holy Family.
Your family will also share in the spiritual benefits of the prayers and Rosaries offered every day.
The First Saturdays of each month have special significance for the World Apostolate of Fatima — Our Lady’s request for the First Saturday Devotion of Reparation to her Immaculate Heart is part of the Fatima message. The thirteenth of each month from May through October are the anniversary dates of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima to three Portuguese shepherd children.
By making a $50 tax-deductible donation for the enrollment of your family, we will send you a complimentary Holy Family Yearly Mass card and blank envelope for you to mail to them. Enclosed will also be an enrollment form for you to complete and mail back to us so their names will be added to the Altar at the shrine.
Please note: If you would like to enroll someone in the Mass Association but do NOT need a card, instead of placing an order here or calling the Gift Shop, please call our Member Services Department at 908-689-1700 ext. 231 or 233.